My Teeth VS Chicken Wing

09.03.18 07:52 PM By Putri

Oh hi, hello there. How are you? You look great! Is that a new pair of glasses? Those are cute. Me? Oh, I am doing just fine. If you ever wonder what do I do when I’m not busy accidentally make computers error, I involuntarily bring destructions upon myself. Yep, physically and psychologically.

This time I BROKE MY TWO FRONT TEETH while eating. You see, when a kid is at his or her age to lose their baby teeth, they look so cute with those few teeth missing. But if you are an adult woman, wearing high heels and a full make-up with a few front teeth missing, girl, you look like a lunatic hoe. 

The other night I had a chicken wings and drumsticks for dinner with some celery aside for dips. It was a healthy(ish) dinner for my standard. The thing is, I like to munch on those tiny brittle bones, gnaw on the cartilage, and suck the marrow. I leave nothing to waste. Apparently, this kind of savagery is bad for your teeth. (d’oh!). Especially if you have teeth brittler than chicken wing bones. My two front teeth broke just like that. Well, okay, perhaps broke is a big word, chipped would be more appropriate. My two front teeth looked like a pair of windows with its blinds rolled up halfway asymmetrically. 

I told my friends what happened and the first respond I got from each of them was: ''show me, pictures please''. Yep, my friends are a bunch of people who will ROFL-ing when stupid stuff happens before giving their support and help. People are trash cans. 

Although I won’t post a pic of me with my chipped teeth here for your entertainment either, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, trust me. I didn’t make up this article for the sake of attention as you cynics might think.

I called my dentist right away and asked for an immediate appointment. After a brief examination, my dentist told me that it would cost me around 500 $ plus tax to get both teeth fixed. The question was, would I spend that much money for something as little as my dignity? The answer is; ''Hang on, I will be back, am gonna check with my insurance and they’d better be reimbursed this bill''. Or Nico. Well, whoever pays me back my 500$, really. Am I being greedy here? All I want was my front teeth to look normal without being 500 $ poorer. Is that too much to ask??

Nico told me that I didn’t look that bad, it was even “almost” unnoticeable if I keep my lips shut

I can be without money, but I can’t be without a complete denture because I am simply that shallow. I told my dentist to do what it takes to fix my teeth, regardless how far in minus my credit card would be afterward. It took him an hour to fix it but the result was satisfying, it doesn’t look like my teeth has lost a battle against chicken wings. Yeay!!

 My dentist gave me double gum-numbing injections, I think it was a bit too much, I couldn’t even feel my upper gum anymore. It felt weird as if I have my whole upper mouth missing. My upper lip was dead up to my nose. Someone could blow me a jab right on my face and knock off my whole denture and I wouldn’t even feel it. 

Here are some ideas of how you should react when I told you I broke my teeth:

  • Tell me that ass hole that caused it, imma punch 'im in the face, and here is 500 bucks to go to the dentist
  • Here are 500 bucks for the dentist, and another 250 bucks to make you feel better, get yourself a dozen of donuts or something,
  • Here is my dentist, go and see him, we’ll get you a new set of veneered dentist so when you smile it so bright it is physically blinding others, oh and enjoy this 500 bucks for free, just because.


Eat chicken wings and drumsticks safely, y’all. Oh, and don’t forget to floss. 
