Dearly beloved, we are gathered today to mourn the loss of my Sony Nex3 that I bought at a questionable back-alley pawnshop whose name I prefer not to mention. This awesome camera has helped me document candid moments, spread fake news, and make poorly designed memes over the years.
I'm saddened to say that Sony Nex3’s (or most knew him as simply as My Cam) life was tragically cut short at a very young age. I suspect if My Cam were a human, he’d put me behind bars because my clumsy ass was the culprit behind his death. I was punishable by law for SUI (Sitting Under Influence). I was sitting down, lounging, with My Cam on my lap. I was having a high blood pinacolada level that day that I forgot My Cam was cuddling comfortably on my lap. My sudden movement made it fall from my lap and plunged into the tragic death. It was found with a broken lens, unresponsive light detector, and bruises.
We mourn the loss of My Cam, but its duty is carried on by his comrade; our Fuji X100t, or known as His Cam. And to honor its memory, this post will be an image essay of Old Havana, taken by His Cam.
Old Havana or also known as La Habana Vieja is quite the charmer, it’s full of vintage awesomeness. Every nooks and cranny of the city are what millennials would call “very instagramable”. The sky is always bright clear blue with sephia-ish sun tones, which makes a great backdrop for any pics. No wonder travel bloggers could whip out interesting, SEO busting articles about every single dirt and daisy they encounter in this retro city, decorated with millions of Instagram-worthy old pink Cadillac pics, published through 7 different Pinterest pins
Old Havana is a lot to take in one day. There are squares to visit, architectural gems from the baroque to neocolonial era to admire, forts to explore, local cuisine (paladares) and cocktails to taste, and so much more. Now, the question is: HOW DO I GET THIS BEAUTIFUL SPOT THE RECOGNITION IT DESERVES??
It took us three full days to explore Habana Vieja (and we wished we had more time) now please enjoy the ride as I lay out the extremely compelling visit:
The Squares/Plazas
Old Havana has four main squares (plazas). Like any other plazas built in the era of Spanish colonial, these open plazas are surrounded by majestic architectures; cathedrals, shops, restaurant courtyards, and monuments.
Plaza de Armas

Plaza Vieja

Plaza San Fransisco de Asis

Plaza de la Catedral

Naked Girl Riding a Cock

This big-ass bronze sculpture of a naked girl on stilettos riding a huge cock while holding a giant fork is by far the most badass statue I have ever seen. The nugget of art is erected (tee-hee) at Plaza Vieja in 2012 and known as Viaje Fantastico. There is no written explanation next to the statue. Feel free to interpret the the way you like. The artist behind this voluptuous bronze lady is Roberto Fabelo, a contemporary Cuban artist who has a penchant for nude women. He made this sculpture as a representation of those women who have fallen into prostitution in order to provide food on the table for the family, especially during the war in Cuba. IMHO, this is the loveliest, most blunt yet deep in meaning representation of the oldest profession known to world.
Paseo del Prado and Paseo de Martí
Paseo del Prado

Palacio de los Matrimonios

Hotel Parque Central

Hotel Seville

Paseo de Martí

Gran Teatro de La Habana “Alicia Alonso”

Walking down the Paseo del Prado that leads to Paseo Marti is like going back in time. From neo-colonial architecture to art-deco style building lining up along this avenue to marvel at.
The cobblestone alleys
There are tons of cobblestone alleys to explore in Old Havana. As beautiful as it may seems, most of the building are actually crumbling if you look at it closely. Metal rail guards on balconies are rusting away to the point that it can break anytime and fall on your head, like literally, watch your head.
Calle Obispo (Obispo Street)

Calle Cuarteles

La Murala

Calle Mercaderes

Museo de la Revolucion
Like any elderly knowledge thirsty tourists, a trip isn’t complete without visiting the country’s most famous museum. In Cuban case, it’s the Museo de la Revolucion. Unfortunately, I didn’t learn any mind-opening facts about the Cuban history in this museum because of its lacks of historic artefacts and accuracy. All there is to see are BW pics and long writings that resembles more like propaganda than recounting history, for an expensive 12 CAD entrance fee. The architecture of the building itself is pretty awesome tho. Dusty, but awesome.

El Capitolio is one of the most emblematic building of Cuba. It was built similar to capital building in Washington, but bigger. This majestic building has been the center of attention for locals and tourists in Havana due to its political importance and architectural beauty. Its massive structure also provides the much-needed shade from the harsh Cuban sun during the day. The stairway to the entrance is always full of people taking selfies or simply taking a break from the hectic Paseo de Marti which lays right in front of the building.